"A Brownie Guide thinks of others before herself and does a Good Turn every day."

Have you done a good turn today?

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Brownie Guide Song

We're the Brownies
Here’s our aim
Lend a hand
And play the game

The Brownie Guide Motto

Lend A Hand

Bi cabhrach

The Brownie Guide Law

A Brownie Guide thinks of others before herself and does a Good Turn every day

Smaoinionn an Bhrownie faoi daoine eile sula smaoinionn si fuithi fein
Agus deanann si gniomh fiuntach chuile la

The Brownie Guide Promise

I promise to do my best,
To do my duty to my God and my country
To help those at home everyday,
And to obey the Brownie Guide Law

Geallaim mo dhicheall a dheanamh
Chun mo dhualgas a dheanamh os comhair De agus mo thire
Daoine eile a chabhru chuile la
Agus bheith dilis as an Brownie dli threoir